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Tax Appeal Thank You!

Mercy Works would like to say a big thank you for the overwhelming support we received for our June 2023 Tax Appeal – Economic Empowerment in PNG.

Your generous donations well exceeded our target of $10,000 for this project, reaching a wonderful $19,160.

This money will go to our Simbu Project in PNG where our microfinancing initiative, the Leave No One Behind Village and Life Savings Association (LNB – VSLA) is creating economic empowerment and improving the lives of the people of Simbu.

Essentially, the entrepreneurial capacity of individuals, families and communities is enhanced by promoting a saving culture and increasing access to credit to enable them to embark on income generating activities to sustain and improve their livelihoods. It is a collaborative effort taken by the local community towards financial freedom.

Sr Maryanne Kolkia RSM, who heads up the initiative, says she is incredibly grateful for the support.

“The Leave No One Behind Village Savings and Loans Association is inspiring and exciting,” says Sr Maryanne. “Every month, more requests are coming from people of all walks of life. The impact of their stories is spreading like wildfire.

“Our sincere word of gratitude and deep appreciation for your generosity. Without your support, our financial journey towards Economic Freedom and Empowerment would not be possible. Your reaching out is our strength and motivation.  Thanks for being part of own our journey in generating an income through the LNB- VSLA.”

WATCH NOW! Learn More about our Economic Empowerment initiative in PNG here:

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